Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Coffee order writing style

Coffee order writing style

You can tell a lot about a person by the drink they choose to order at a café. Their writing style, content choice and social media habits are all reflected in their menu selections.

A latte sipper is organised and driven. Their writing will be business-like and devoid of both emotion and exclamation points. Ironically if the latte is ordered with skinny milk then their emails are likely to be fatter and full of unnecessary minutiae.

This writing style is warm and friendly with a delightful chocolaty sprinkling of humour.  Unassuming, it fulfills its task in a personal and informal manner, frequently with a joke at the end.

Hot Chocolate
This drink order is interesting – it fits two types of people.
The first is the pre teen whose writing will probably include symptoms of their Bieber fever. The font will be pink and in either Comic Sans or French Script, and they will begin emails with ‘Baby, baby, baby… oh’!

The other is the non conformist – their writing is idiosyncratic. They like what they like, and don’t care that their order isn’t cool. Their writing will be filled with personally made up words and in jokes and can take any form, varying greatly with mood and time of day.

Chai Latte
A very calm and Zen writing style, picked up from their experience backpacking around India. Their writing will be sweet but will occasionally have a bitter aftertaste. Will have a link to their flickr account where photos from their travels will be captioned with a Ghandi or Dalai Lama quote.

A tea drinker is traditional and courteous. Correspondence will always begin with ‘Dear Whoever’ or ‘to whom it may concern’ and sign off with ‘Yours Sincerely’, even if their email consists of a picture of a cat wearing a batman costume. If sugar is added there is a higher probability of a Shakespeare, Bible or Jane Austen quote being involved somewhere.

Short and Concise. Twitter is this writer’s ultimate platform, where they can express themselves with the utmost brevity. They prefer their writing to be like their caffeine hit – short and quick but good quality.

Kind regards,

Sue Thomas

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